Linux cheat list_Basic BASH commands
My very own LINUX cheat list... ----Basic bash commands---- who-"-b,-l,-H,-q" man-manual ref-"ls" ----reading directories and files---- ls-"-a(all & hidden),-A(hidden & .)" dir touch- create file/modify date date--"%h(abbr month)","%a(abbr wkday)", more- clrsrc--c(clear),+num-(starting line number) tree- "-a"(all except hidden),"-f(full path)" touch-create file and change mod timre"-a,-c,-f(force)" cat-show/append-"-n,-c(buffer)" exit shutdown-h(halts),r(reboot) ----adv commands---- df-disk free-"-a(MG,GB)" ps-process-"-a(freq),-A(All),-e(current)" kill-"-a,-l,-p,-s" uname-system info,-c,-a tty-teletype(terminal file location) ----printing commands---- lpr- sends job to queue-"-p destination" lpq- checks spool queue for status of print JOB"-a(report),-U username" lprm- removes a job from the queue-"U us...