C# vs Java Programming Construct

Programming Construct
Both programming language makes use of constructs in controlling the flow of the execution of a program based on whether a certain condition is satisfied or not. They both make use of the selection, looping and branching constructs.
 Selection construct - which executes a particular block based on a Boolean condition, example of selection construct similar in both languages are: if, if… else, switch…case constructs.

 If selection construct
  int num = -4;
 if (num < 0)
  Console.WriteLine(“The number is negative”);

 Looping construct - which enables you to iteratively or repeatedly execute a single statement or a block of statements,example of looping construct similar in both C# and Java are: while, do...while, for, enhanced for looping construct.

 public int val = 1;
 while (val <= 10)


 Branching construct - These are used to transfer control from one point in a program  to another, example of branching construct similar in both languages are:
 break, continue, return

 Console.WriteLine(“Even numbers between 1-100”);
 for (int i=1; i<=100; i++)
 if (i % 2 != 0)
 Console.Write(i + “ “);

                                                   COMPARISON TABLE
 Statements        Java     C#
 Loops        Yes      Yes
 Conditionals      Yes      Yes
 Flow control      Yes      Yes
 Assignment       Yes      Yes
 Exception control     Yes      Yes
 Variable declaration    Yes      Yes
 Variable type inference    No      Yes
 Deterministic disposal (ARM-blocks) Yes (starting with Java 7) Yes
 long type in switch statement    Yes      No
 String type in switch statement  Yes      Yes
 Case fall-through*     Yes      No
 Labelled statements     Yes; goto statement  Yes; Expanded continue and break statement
 goto jump statement**     No       Yes

*Case fall-through
 In C#, the flw of execution from one case     Java allows statement executing associated with one case to continue into the
 statement is not allowed to continue to the next case  next case, This continuation of execution into the next case is referred to as falling               through
 statement. This is referred to as the
 ‘no-fall-through’ rule of C#.       Case Fall-through in Java
             class ClashApp
              public static void main(String[] args)
               string input;
               switch (input)
               case “MONDAY”:
               case “TUESDAY”:
               case “WEDNESDAY”:
               case “THURSDAY”:
               case “FRIDAY”:
               Console.WriteLine (“Week days of the week”);
               case “SATURDAY”:
               case “SUNDAY”:
               Console.WriteLine (“Weekends of the week”);
               Console.WriteLine (“Incorrect choice”);

             The code snippet above illustrate how fall-through within case statements is allowed.

**goto jump statement
 C# supports the goto jump statements. This enables you to directly execute a labeled(an identifier ending with a colon.) statement or a labeled block of statements.

 using System;
 class ClashApp
  public static void Main(String[] args)
   int i = 0;
   if (i < 10)
    goto labelledBlock;

 On encountering the goto statement the execution of the program is directed to the labeledBlock.

 Java defines an expanded form of break and continue statements. These expanded forms can be used
 within any block. It is not necessary that the blocks must be part of loop or a switch statement. These are also referred to as labeled statements
               public class ClashApp {
                public static void main(String[] args)
                 for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) {
                 if(j == 4)
                  continue outer;
                 System.out.print("Thank you");
            Upon the incremental value of j equals 4, the execution is transferred to the outer labelled statement and displays "Thank you".

Partial types, Classes and Objects
 Brief similarity
~All Objects are References
 Reference types are very similar to pointers in C++, particularly when setting an identifier to some new class instance. But when accessing the properties or methods of this reference type, use the "." operator, which is similar to accessing data instances in C++ that are created on the stack. All class instances are created on the heap by using the new operator, but delete is not allowed, as both languages use their own garbage collection schemes.
 Both languages' libraries define classes for working with dates and calendars in different cultures. The Java java.util.Date is a mutable reference type, where the C# System.DateTime is a struct value type. C# additionally define a TimeSpan type for working with time periods. Both languages support date and time arithmetic according to different cultures.
 ~New operator
 The new operator is used to instantiate an object, On encountering the new operator, the JIT compiler allocates memory for the object and returns a reference of that allocated memory.

C# Code
 using System;

 class ClashApp

      Console.WriteLine("In instance constructor");
     public static void Main(string[] args)
      ClashApp objectClashApp = new ClashApp();

  }  In the snippet above, the new operator is used to create an instance of the ClashApp class.

 Java Code
 class ClashApp{

     System.out.println("In instance constructor");

    public static void main(String[] args){
    ClashApp objectClashApp = new ClashApp();

    In the snippet above, the new operator is used to create an instance of the ClashApp class.

 ~Member Initialization at Definition and Static Constructors
 Instance and static variables can be initialized at their point of definition in both C# and Java. If the member variable is an instance variable, then initialization occurs just before the constructor is called. Static members are initialized sometime before the first usage of the member and before the first creation of an instance of the class. It is also possible to specify a block of code that should run before the class is used either via creation of an instance variable or invocation of a static method. These code blocks are called are called static constructors in C# and static initialization blocks in Java. Static constructors are invoked before the first invocation of a static method in the class and before the first time an instance of the class is created.
 C# Code
 using System;

 class ClashApp

      Console.WriteLine("In instance constructor");

     static ClashApp(){
     Console.WriteLine("In static constructor");

     public static void Main(string[] args)
      ClashApp objectClashApp = new ClashApp();

  Java Code
 class ClashApp{

     System.out.println("In instance constructor");

     System.out.println("In static constructor");
    public static void main(String[] args){
    ClashApp objectClashApp = new ClashApp();



 In static constructor
 In instance constructor
 From the snippet above, it is clear that the static constructor/block is first executed even before the main method.

Comparison table
 Partial types, classes, objects     Java         C#
 Static Constructor*        No          Yes
 Destructors**          No          Yes
 Finalizers**         Yes         Yes
 Dispose Method***         No          Yes
 New modifier****         No          Yes
 Initialization block*****       Yes         No
 Partial types******        No          Yes

*STATIC CONSTRUCTORS C# provides the static constructor which is used to initilize static variables of the class and to perform a partiular action only once. It is invoked before any static member of the class is accessed.
  class Multiplication
  static int numOne = 10;
  static int numTwo;
  static Initializer()
   Console.WriteLine(“Static Constructor initialized”);
   numTwo = numOne;
  public static void Printer()
  static void Main(string[] args)

 The static constructor Initializer initializes the static variable numTwo.
C# also has the concept of destructors which use syntax similar to C++ destructor syntax but have the mostly the same semantics as Java finalizers. The finalize()  method is called by the garbage collector on an object when it is identified to have no more references pointing to it. Although finalizers exist doing work within them is not encouraged for a number of reasons including the fact that there is no way to control the order of finalization which can lead to interesting problems if objects that hold references to each other are finalized out of order. Finalization also causes more overhead because objects with finalizers aren't removed after the garbage collection thread runs but instead are eliminated after the finalization thread runs which means they have to be maintained in the system longer than objects without finalizers. Below are equivalent examples in C# and Java.

 C# Code
 using System;

   public class ClashApp
      static int num_created = 0;
      int i = 0;   

         i = ++num_created;
         Console.WriteLine("Created object #" + i);   
          Console.WriteLine("Object #" + i + " is being finalized"); 

     public static void Main(string[] args){
     for(int i=0; i < 10000; i++)
       new ClashApp();

   }   In the code snippet above, the destructor is called using the ~symbol on the ClashApp object prepping it for garbage collection

 Java Code
   public class ClashApp {

     static int num_created = 0;
     int i = 0;   

        i = ++num_created;
        System.out.println("Created object #" + i);   

     public void finalize(){
        System.out.println("Object #" + i + " is being finalized"); 

    public static void main(String[] args){
    for(int i=0; i < 10000; i++)
      new ClashApp();

   }   In the code snippet above, the finalize method is called on the ClashApp object prepping it for garbage collection
    ***Dispose method

    If a class is disposable, it is best to make usage of the Dispose() method of the IDisposable interface, Calling the Dispose() method does not request that the object is garbage collected , although it does speed up collection by eliminating the need for finalization.

 C# Code
 using System;
 using System.IO;

 public class ClashApp : IDisposable {    
    bool disposed = false;
    FileStream f;
    StreamWriter sw;
    private String name;
    private int numShowNameCalls = 0;

    ClashApp(string name){
    f = new FileStream("logfile.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
    sw = new StreamWriter(f);
    this.name = name;
    Console.WriteLine("Created " + name);  



     public void Dispose(){

    }    ****NEW Modifier
 the new modifier is used to hide the methods or variables of the base class that are inherited in the derived class. This allows you to redefie the inherited methods or variables in the derived class.
   class CodePlay
    int val = 1;
    public void Display()
     Console.WriteLine(“Value:“ + val);
    class ClashApp : CodePlay
     int val;
     new void Display()
    static void Main(String[] args)
     ClashApp objectClashApp = new ClashApp();
The new Modifier provides another implementation of the Display method thereby overriding the Display method provided by the base class CodePlay.
   *****Initialization block

             java uses initialization blocks which initializes the instance variables or fields of the class. The initialization blocks are basically used to perform complex initialization sequences.
               public class ClashApp
                //Initialization block
                private int numOne;
                 numOne = 1;
                public void display()

             In the code snippet above the initialization block within the class ClashApp intializes the private variable numOne.
C# allows a class, structures and interface definition to be split across several source files using a feature called partial types. Each part must be marked with the keyword partial. All the parts must be presented to the compiler as part of a single compilation.
  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Text;
  //Stored in AppDetails.cs fie
  namespace Application
   public partial class AppDetails
     string appName;
    public AppDetails(string name)
     appName = name;

  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Text;
  //Stored in App.cs fie
  namespace Application
   public partial class AppDetails
    public void Display()
     Console.WriteLine(“Appication Name: “ + appName);
    public class Application
    static void Main(string[] args)
     AppDetails objApplication = new AppDetails(“ClashApp”);
 On compiling both files in the Application namespace, the partial classes AppDetails existing in two different files are merged together producing an .exe file.


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