My top free android resource kit
No matter how awesome of a developer you are, you will certainly need to reference certain android codebase, alongside need to remember certain implementations of third party APIs, especially when single handedly building an android application; not to mention the shortcomings of using deprecated resources. This I have successfully overcome by drafting out a very handy resource toolkit, which serves as a source of the various reference materials I utilize when building an application. Not mentioning the very fact that we all love to copy and paste code blocks leaving the debugging to the debugger or maybe lint. Below is the list of reference materials I use more so often
1. StackOverflow -Even non developers use Stackoverflow because of its large community. Stackoverflow is a community of developers helping each other. This can definitely come in handy when looking for solution to a problem.
2. Android Arsenal - As simple as stated on their site, it is portal with tools, libraries and apps.
3. Codelabs - This is majorly for all developers with guided approach to coding experience, Codelabs steps you through the process of building a small application or adding a new feature to an existing application. They cover a wide range of topics such as Android Wear, Google Compute Engine, Project Tango and Google APIs on iOS.
4. Github - For those interested in collaborating or utilizing a whole project, Github development platform provides access to such resources.
5. Wsdesigns - If you are developing your UI, then Wsdesigns is the place to be with UI kits and source codes that are photoshop ready. Definitely saves time in designing.
7. Developers - This is Google’s official developer website to assists developers when developing for the Google’s android platform, so before going to any other website, this should be the first stop for any developer, it provides detailed explanation on the implementation of certain features pertaining to the android platform and also provides latest news and information concerning the android community as a whole.
Other great sites are Tutorialpoint and Tutsplus. This list provides me and hopefully you location of reference materials thus paving way for a seamless hands-on technical assistance while developing.
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